CREATING A CUSTOM LEAGUE            Back to Reference Index

Once you have established and named a Custom League (and specified the password, if any), you may choose from the following options for league play (the default choices are the same as a standard league):

Once the rules are chosen (or you leave the default in place) and you choose your team name and ballpark, click on “Create League” to finalize the set-up. At any time until the draft is final, the Commissioner may cancel the league (and all owners’ team credits are refunded). All open leagues will be listed under “BROWSE CUSTOM LEAGUES”. However, only those owners who have purchased a team and entered the password (if any) may join a league. There is a link enabling those interested in joining to send a sitemail to the league's Commissioner to request the password. Commissioners can also post about the league on the Imagine Sports message boards.

Once the league is full, the Commissioner must initiate the draft before it will begin.

NOTE: All transactions happen in REAL TIME. Once you enter a release of a player or a trade, our system will ask you if you’re sure about that. Please be sure, because there’s no turning back once you click ‘yes’. That change goes into effect for the next game unless that game was already ready to start, in which case it’ll go into effect for the following game.

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