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To start your game, go to your Diamond Mind Live home page, select whether you'll be playing against the computer or another player, then click on the Create Game button. To play against another player, either copy the link provide in the Invite Opponent page and email it, or enter your opponent's Diamond Mind username in the space provided and send the invitation. Once your opponent accepts the invitation, you can set up the game.

A pop-up box will appear (you will need to enable your computer to allow these), and you can set up your new game by making choices of the following:

Weather Conditions

The next step is to choose the weather conditions. There will be a default, but you can manually change the Temperature, Field Conditions (Dry or Wet), Sky (Sunny, Some Clouds, Cloudy, Rain Clouds or Night Sky), Wind Direction (the default is Out to Center, but there are nine different choices), and the Wind Speed (from zero to 30 MPH). After choosing your weather conditions, click on Continue; if you are playing against another player, he will have to accept before you can continue.

Teams Selection

The next step is to select the teams that will be facing each other. Use the dropbox to choose either one your own Standard teams (and/or custom teams if you are playing vs. the computer), or from an assortment of Preset Teams. Then choose whether you want to use the default lineup and starting pitcher, or if you want to set your own lineup and starter. If you are playing another player, he will make those decisions for his team.

Game Play Options

You're almost there now. Next choose your Game Play Options: For the Level of Detail, you can show each pitch of the game if you want to micro-manage the game, or you can show each play. Don't worry if you change your mind afterward - you can change this anytime during the game once you're underway.

You will have another selection to make also - Spectator Access, in a future release. You will be able to restrict view of the game between you and your opponent by choosing Spectators not allowed. Or if you have Diamond Mind friends you want to let in on the action, opt for Spectators allowed. You can also give them access to the chat area that will be up for your game (you and your opponent will always have access to the chat area) by selecting Spectators can watch & chat.

Click continue, and when your opponent has given you the green light, you're on the field!


Now you're at the ballpark. You should see on your Game Screen the ballpark image, which is accurate as to its dimensions, and the scoreboard. Above that is your manager control board with varying options for your use in playing the game. To the right is the play-by-play screen and below that is the chat area. Finally, to the far right are the lineups, bench players and bullpens.

Manager Control Board

Another useful function of the Subs option is the Review Roster link. You can bring up your roster, your opponent's roster, view batters or pitchers, or see all players. You also have access to their batting, pitching and defensive ratings - which is something you'll need to know to anticipate upcoming moves.

Defense Tactics

Each play or pitch will start with the team on the field selecting its defense. The options are:

Pitching Tactics

Once your defense is set you will have six pitching options available to you:

Offensive Tactics

When your opponent entered his defensive and pitching tactics, you'll see the My Turn button activate on your screen. At that point you must choose from your offensive options:


Roster Stats


The Roster Stats can provide you with the information you'll need to manage your team to its full potential. Included are the player historical Major League statistics, along with individual ratings for offense, defense and pitching, as well as injury tendencies. The filters at the top of the Roster Stats box allow you to view your team or your opponent's, show batters or pitchers, and to view all players, available players on your bench or only those players who are on the field.










Rating = (wild pitches * 1000) / (batters faced * .43)


Overview of Eras

Click here to go directly to viewing and modifying era information.

Much of baseball's rich tradition is due to the unchanging nature of the game. Nevertheless, some aspects of baseball have changed dramatically over time. For example:

It is not possible to play realistic games among teams of different eras without adjusting for these changing playing conditions. For example, without these adjustments, a 1912 team would have almost no chance of beating a 1984 team because it would make two to three times as many errors. Are the 1984 fielders really that much better? Of course not. They just have the advantage of using modern gloves and playing on artificial turf.

Or, to use a modern example, a pitcher from a DH-league typically allows an extra run every two games compared with a pitcher who does not have to face a DH. If you want to see what would happen if this pitcher was traded to a non-DH league, or you wanted to release all of the players from both leagues and draft new rosters, you need a way to make sure the DH-league pitcher is not unfairly punished.

DMB uses eras to adjust for these factors. In DMB:

For many DMB owners, it is enough to know that you are using a game that adapts to different playing conditions. However, if you want to create or modify players, create new leagues and rosters, or play games with teams from different seasons, you need to know a little more. The remainder of this help topic describes the information contained in an era and the procedures for adding, changing and deleting eras.

The DMB historical era database

Once upon a time, anyone who wanted to create players in DMB had to start by creating the era against which those players should be evaluated. If you were creating all of the players for a single real-life season, that wasn't too bad, because you'd need only one or two eras. If you were creating a collection of all-time great players drawn from all of baseball history, you might need to create dozens of eras.

To simplify the process of creating players, DMB now includes a database with an era for every big-league season that has been completed since 1894. You can use these historical eras directly in the player creation and modification process, and you can import any of those eras into your database so you can use them in your own leagues. In short, you may no longer need to create or modify your own eras.

If, however, you are creating players for a fictional league, a foreign league, or one of the minor leagues, or if you wish to use an era based on a range of real-life seasons, you won't be able to use the eras in the historical database. You can, however, create and modify your own eras with a few simple steps.

Parks: Overview

Baseball is rare among professional sports in that the playing field is not standardized. The official rules of baseball provide for precise measurements within the infield, but only a few guidelines for distances to the outfield fences, leaving room for a wide variety of shapes, sizes, playing surfaces, building types, and so on. Combine these physical variations with the effects of altitude and climate in different parts of the country, and you can easily see how a ballpark can exert a large influence on games played there.

For this reason, ballparks play a large role in DMB. When players are created, their raw statistics are adjusted for the statistical impact of their home park. This (along with the era-based adjustments) helps us create park-neutral ratings for all players. And when you play a DMB game, the nature of the home park plays a significant role in the outcomes of games played there.

These park adjustments add realism to your DMB games. If you use the real-life rosters and the real-life schedule, the park effects that are removed during player creation are canceled out by those that are added during game play, so the players will produce statistics in DMB that are very consistent with their real-life stats. If, on the other hand, you draft new rosters, many of your players will be playing their DMB games in different parks than in real life, and the change in parks will have an impact on their DMB statistics.

This is the way it should be. In real-life, when a hitter is traded to a hitter-friendly park, you expect their statistics to rise even if their talent level doesn't change, and you discount their real-life stats for the effects of their new home park. The same is true in DMB. If you move a player to a new park that is quite different from his real-life park, you can expect to see his statistics be affected by this move.

Parks: Statistical Factors

The idiosyncrasies of ballparks impact on the number of singles, doubles, triples, and home runs hit by left- and right-handed batters. These numbers can range from 20 to 500, with an average park having a rating of 100. If the park allows only 58% as many home runs as the average ballpark, the home run rating for that park is 58. And if a park allowed 40% more triples than average, its triples rating is 140.

Here's an example. If a team's road games included 140 home runs and its home games included 100 (both for and against), you can conclude that the home park allows only 100 / 140 = 71% as many homers as the average of the other parks in the league. So you would assign a home run factor of 71 for this park.

It is unusual for a singles rating to be outside the range from 85-115, because there are very few ways that a park can affect the number of singles that are hit. The ranges for modern stadiums are usually 70-130 for doubles, 50-200 for triples, and 50-150 for home runs. Many years ago, there was more variety in stadiums, and larger differences in park ratings were more common.

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